*Assumption: What ever you write in the answers, you should have a clear idea of what you have written and should be able to explain when ever needed.
Answer ALL the questions below:
- Obtain the mean processing time of a program represented by the following flow graph. Numbers in the brackets are the probabilities and the other numbers are processing times.
- Write the steps involved in Node Reduction Procedure. Illustrate all the steps with help of neat labeled diagrams.
- Define structured code. Explain lower path count Arithmetic. What is the looping probability of a path expression. Write arithmetic rules.
Deadline for submission of assignment 4: .
Answer ALL the questions below:
- What is domain testing? Discuss applications of domain testing?
- Explain restrictions on domain testing.
- What are ugly domains and how programmers and testers will treat them?
- Classify what can go wrong with boundaries, then define a test strategy for each case in domain testing?
- Explain domains and testability.
Deadline for submission of assignment 4: 31 AUG 2009.
Answer ALL the questions below:
- Explain in detail the transaction flow testing techniques.
- Name and explain Data flow testing Strategies. How an Anomaly can be detected?
- Explain different types of data flow anomalies and Data flow anomaly state graphs.
- Explain why static analysis alone is not enough for data flow testing.
- Write application of data flow testing.
Deadline for submission of assignment 3: 17 AUG 2009.
Note: Questions 5 is not covered in class. You answer the question by gathering information from textbook or other resource.
Answer a minimum of five questions of the following:
- Explain different types of loops with an example to each.
- What is path testing? How are paths selected?
- Explain about path instrumentation. How does Link Counters are useful in Path Instrumentation method.
- How a programs control structure can be represented graphically? Explain with the help of required diagrams.
- How a flowchart is differed from a control flow graph?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of Control flow graphs.
- Explain about Multy Entry and Multy Exit Routines& fundamental path selection criteria.
- Write about implementation of path testing and What are the various applications of path testing.
Deadline for submission of assignment 2: 27 JULY 2009.
Answer a minimum of five questions of the following:
- What is the purpose of testing?
- Briefly explain the differences between testing and debugging.
- Explain a model of software testing?
- Give differences between functional testing and structural testing?
- Specify on which factors the importance of bugs depends? And give the metric for it.
- Briefly explain the consequences of bugs.
- What are the remedies of test bugs?
- Classify the different kinds of bugs and explain.
Deadline for submission of assignment 1: 20 JULY 2009.