We provide several functions to visitors that they can selectively browse, search and download information of isomiRs
we prepared. Additionally, visitors are able to interactively carry out statistics based on isomiRs they selected.
and also compare their datasets to isomiRs signatures we identified using our implemented BLAST+ server.
1 Datasets
2 Browse
To browse isomiRs, we provide both Quick Browse and Advanced Browse for users. In Quick Browse,
you only have to select the target species and their isomiRs will be displayed. The parameters for Quick Browse
are as following:
Mismatch: 0;
Seed Corruptness: FC, Fc, fC, fc
Overlap: 16;
Minimum Length: 18;
Maximum Length: 24;
Depth: 50;
Type: no drift, 3'end addition, 3'end deletion, 5'end addition, 5'end deletion, 5'end addition and 3'end addition, 5'end addition and 3'end deletion,
5'end deletion and 3'end deletion.
To browse isomiRs with advanced filtering, please use our Advanced Browse.