ChloroMitoSSRDB 2.0 Webserver cum Database of Cholorplast and Mitochondrial Microsatellites

Mitochondial Microsatellites

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Selected: H
S.NoSequence IDOrganism (Taxon. Info)Seq. LengthA%T%G%C%Get SSRsGet SSRs
1NC_005942 Habronattus oregonensis mitochondrion (130930)14373 bp33.01 %41.37 %16.67 %8.95 %IMExMISA
2NC_020309Hackeriella veitchi mitochondrion (60873)15793 bp39.86 %30.36 %10.64 %19.14 %IMExMISA
3NC_005292 Haemaphysalis flava mitochondrion (181088)14686 bp37.76 %39.15 %10.21 %12.88 %IMExMISA
4NC_020334Haemaphysalis formosensis mitochondrion (1155004)14676 bp38.61 %39.68 %9.33 %12.38 %IMExMISA
5NC_020335Haemaphysalis parva mitochondrion (630956)14846 bp39.11 %39.71 %9.04 %12.14 %IMExMISA
6NC_007102 Haematobia irritans irritans mitochondrion (75445)16078 bp39.71 %39.36 %9.16 %11.77 %IMExMISA
7NC_003713 Haematopus ater mitochondrion (185689)16791 bp31.59 %23.62 %13.67 %31.12 %IMExMISA
8NC_010383 Haemonchus contortus mitochondrion (6289)14055 bp33.43 %44.71 %15.36 %6.5 %IMExMISA
9NC_012448Haemoproteus columbae mitochondrion (77522)5968 bp32.62 %35.56 %15.68 %16.14 %IMExMISA
10NC_012423Haemoproteus sp. jb1.JA27 mitochondrion (292793)5970 bp35.83 %32.14 %16.25 %15.78 %IMExMISA
11NC_012425Haemoproteus sp. jb2.SEW5141 mitochondrion (292794)5970 bp32.16 %35.75 %15.81 %16.28 %IMExMISA
12NC_009066 Halichoeres melanurus mitochondrion (215378)17045 bp28.17 %27.91 %16.77 %27.14 %IMExMISA
13NC_011191 Halichoeres tenuispinis mitochondrion (217853)17222 bp27.51 %27.41 %17.15 %27.93 %IMExMISA
14NC_011199 Halichoeres trimaculatus mitochondrion (147232)16621 bp26.71 %26.83 %17.32 %29.14 %IMExMISA
15NC_001602 Halichoerus grypus mitochondrion (9711)16797 bp32.96 %25.3 %14.28 %27.46 %IMExMISA
16NC_005940 Haliotis rubra mitochondrion (36100)16907 bp34.57 %24.55 %14.18 %26.7 %IMExMISA
17NC_013708 Haliotis tuberculata tuberculata mitochondrion (454124)16521 bp34.78 %25.94 %13.46 %25.82 %IMExMISA
18NC_010212 Halisarca dujardini mitochondrion (253172)19277 bp26.74 %35.38 %22.45 %15.31 %IMExMISA
19NC_014876Halisarca sp. DVL-2010 mitochondrion (936147)20591 bp28.69 %36.7 %20.85 %13.74 %IMExMISA
20NC_008413 Halocaridina rubra mitochondrion (373956)16065 bp33.33 %29.85 %12.84 %23.98 %IMExMISA
21NC_002177 Halocynthia roretzi mitochondrion (7729)14771 bp24.26 %44.01 %23.21 %8.52 %IMExMISA
22NC_021466Halocynthia spinosa complete mitochondrial genome (569430)15074 bp19.46 %44.42 %27.23 %8.89 %IMExMISA
23NC_013272 Halyomorpha halys mitochondrion (286706)16517 bp43.05 %33.28 %10.07 %13.59 %IMExMISA
24NC_007780Hanseniaspora uvarum mitochondrion (29833)18844 bp35.6 %35.07 %15.13 %14.19 %IMExMISA
25NC_021950Hapalemur griseus mitochondrion (13557)16878 bp32.72 %29.43 %12.92 %24.93 %IMExMISA
26NC_019646Hapalogenys analis mitochondrion (360505)16339 bp28.52 %25.41 %16.21 %29.86 %IMExMISA
27NC_014404Hapalogenys nigripinnis mitochondrion (687869)16478 bp28.61 %27.39 %15.82 %28.18 %IMExMISA
28NC_013865 Haplophryne mollis mitochondrion (412653)17209 bp28.46 %27.79 %16.45 %27.29 %IMExMISA
29NC_016667Harengula jaguana mitochondrial DNA (224705)17158 bp24.84 %25.92 %20.31 %28.94 %IMExMISA
30NC_003161 Harpadon microchir mitochondrion (143314)16061 bp26.69 %26.78 %17 %29.54 %IMExMISA
31NC_019645Harpadon nehereus mitochondrion (435155)16536 bp26.79 %26.8 %16.69 %29.72 %IMExMISA
32NC_006916 Harpiosquilla harpax mitochondrion (287944)15714 bp34.99 %34.75 %13.14 %17.12 %IMExMISA
33NC_004623Harpochytrium sp. JEL105 mitochondrion (224131)24169 bp25.52 %38.26 %18.14 %18.07 %IMExMISA
34NC_004760Harpochytrium sp. JEL94 mitochondrion (109764)19473 bp24.52 %40.13 %17.29 %18.06 %IMExMISA
35NC_014292Harriotta raleighana mitochondrion (765186)18024 bp29.62 %27.87 %14.94 %27.56 %IMExMISA
36NC_013986Hartmannella vermiformis mitochondrion (5778)51645 bp28.46 %39.58 %17.48 %14.47 %IMExMISA
37NC_021123Hebomoia glaucippe mitochondrion (152600)15701 bp38.53 %41.39 %7.85 %12.22 %IMExMISA
38NC_009968 Helarctos malayanus mitochondrion (9634)16783 bp31.17 %27.87 %15.36 %25.59 %IMExMISA
39NC_019998Heleophryne regis mitochondrion (143568)17620 bp29.02 %27.76 %14.64 %28.57 %IMExMISA
40NC_020349Helicolenus avius mitochondrion (394686)16651 bp27.88 %26.36 %17.08 %28.68 %IMExMISA
41NC_003195 Helicolenus hilgendorfi mitochondrion (143344)16728 bp27.82 %26.35 %17.19 %28.65 %IMExMISA
42NC_016127Heliconema longissimum mitochondrion (657295)13610 bp26.22 %52.89 %14.14 %6.75 %IMExMISA
43NC_017841Helicosporidium sp. ex Simulium jonesi mitochondrion (145475)49343 bp38.45 %35.95 %12.68 %12.91 %IMExMISA
44NC_014668Helicoverpa armigera mitochondrion (29058)15347 bp40.54 %40.43 %7.69 %11.34 %IMExMISA
45NC_020375Heliopora coerulea mitochondrion (86515)18953 bp29.65 %33.45 %19.8 %17.09 %IMExMISA
46NC_021747Helix aspersa from Chile mitochondrion (6535)14050 bp30.72 %39.15 %16.52 %13.61 %IMExMISA
47NC_008776 Heloderma suspectum mitochondrion (8554)16846 bp33.14 %29.87 %12.8 %24.2 %IMExMISA
48NC_019592Hemibagrus macropterus mitochondrion (175789)16530 bp31.62 %27.76 %14.78 %25.85 %IMExMISA
49NC_008644 Hemibarbus barbus mitochondrion (80793)16681 bp29.72 %25.84 %17.21 %27.23 %IMExMISA
50NC_007785 Hemibarbus labeo mitochondrion (328524)16612 bp29.75 %25.96 %17.17 %27.12 %IMExMISA
51NC_007784 Hemibarbus longirostris mitochondrion (354114)16608 bp27.73 %26.34 %18.73 %27.2 %IMExMISA
52NC_018534Hemibarbus maculatus mitochondrion (291814)16611 bp29.66 %25.9 %17.26 %27.19 %IMExMISA
53NC_007786 Hemibarbus mylodon mitochondrion (351240)16605 bp28.87 %26.77 %17.67 %26.69 %IMExMISA
54NC_022192Hemibarbus umbrifer mitochondrion (585236)16611 bp29.79 %25.94 %17.05 %27.22 %IMExMISA
55NC_006342 Hemidactylium scutatum mitochondrion (291265)17420 bp33.96 %29.53 %14.76 %21.75 %IMExMISA
56NC_012902 Hemidactylus frenatus mitochondrion (47729)16891 bp30.83 %23.32 %15.32 %30.53 %IMExMISA
57NC_005033 Hemiechinus auritus mitochondrion (217708)17283 bp35.21 %33.88 %11.73 %19.17 %IMExMISA
58NC_015548Hemigrammocypris rasborella mitochondrion (180931)16615 bp31.2 %26.33 %16.67 %25.8 %IMExMISA
59NC_015816Hemiodopsis gracilis mitochondrion (270556)16731 bp30.12 %24.75 %15.98 %29.15 %IMExMISA
60NC_013244 Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae mitochondrion (262124)17264 bp30.97 %23.92 %13.21 %31.89 %IMExMISA
61NC_019638Hemipyrellia ligurriens mitochondrion (195107)15938 bp39.54 %37.82 %9.31 %13.33 %IMExMISA
62NC_010637Hemiselmis andersenii mitochondrion (464988)60553 bp33.25 %38.03 %15.91 %12.81 %IMExMISA
63NC_018368Hemitheconyx caudicinctus mitochondrion (96741)17043 bp29.94 %24.26 %14.9 %30.9 %IMExMISA
64NC_020621Hemitragus jayakari mitochondrion (330465)16457 bp33.79 %26.52 %13 %26.68 %IMExMISA
65NC_020628Hemitragus jemlahicus mitochondrion (37179)16712 bp33.69 %26.61 %13.03 %26.67 %IMExMISA
66NC_009871 Heniochus diphreutes mitochondrion (215362)16772 bp29.16 %25.83 %15.64 %29.38 %IMExMISA
67NC_020668Heosemys annandalii mitochondrion (260624)16604 bp35.14 %26.71 %12.27 %25.87 %IMExMISA
68NC_015819Hepsetus odoe mitochondrion (42563)16803 bp28.69 %24.4 %15.85 %31.07 %IMExMISA
69NC_005924 Heptathela hangzhouensis mitochondrion (216259)14215 bp35.27 %36.95 %10.63 %17.15 %IMExMISA
70NC_013561 Herdmania momus mitochondrion (7733)15771 bp22.22 %41.34 %25.88 %10.56 %IMExMISA
71NC_019586Herpele squalostoma mitochondrion (118254)16073 bp32.51 %27.7 %14.12 %25.67 %IMExMISA
72NC_006835 Herpestes javanicus mitochondrion (140016)16758 bp33.29 %26.88 %13.74 %26.09 %IMExMISA
73NC_013555 Herwigia kreffti mitochondrion (492042)16637 bp28.11 %23.51 %16.83 %31.56 %IMExMISA
74NC_015112Heterocephalus glaber mitochondrion (10181)16386 bp33.7 %25.06 %13.3 %27.94 %IMExMISA
75NC_013629 Heteroconger hassi mitochondrion (391206)17765 bp31.66 %24.34 %16.81 %27.17 %IMExMISA
76NC_003137 Heterodontus francisci mitochondrion (7792)16708 bp31.84 %28.3 %12.95 %26.91 %IMExMISA
77NC_021615Heterodontus zebra mitochondrion (1213687)16720 bp31.61 %28.44 %13.14 %26.81 %IMExMISA
78NC_002651 Heterodoxus macropus mitochondrion (145266)14670 bp38.72 %40.56 %10.23 %10.49 %IMExMISA
79NC_010292 Heteronotia binoei mitochondrion (13085)25972 bp33.28 %22.95 %12.93 %30.84 %IMExMISA
80NC_015827Heteropneustes fossilis mitochondrion (93621)16489 bp32.16 %26.05 %14.88 %26.91 %IMExMISA
81NC_014680Heteropteryx dilatata mitochondrion (173795)16618 bp45.13 %30.98 %9.5 %14.4 %IMExMISA
82NC_008534 Heterorhabditis bacteriophora mitochondrion (37862)18128 bp28.81 %47.02 %16.1 %8.08 %IMExMISA
83NC_016738Heterosigma akashiwo mitochondrial DNA (2829)38690 bp31.13 %33.18 %18.74 %16.95 %IMExMISA
84NC_018127Heterotermes sp. SLC-2012 mitochondrion (1199068)16370 bp42.79 %22.1 %12.27 %22.83 %IMExMISA
85NC_015081Heterotis niloticus mitochondrion (91721)16551 bp31.8 %25.96 %14.82 %27.41 %IMExMISA
86NC_021459Hexagrammos agrammus mitochondrial DMA (192376)16513 bp26.88 %26.16 %17.23 %29.72 %IMExMISA
87NC_008828 Hexamermis agrotis mitochondrion (387665)24606 bp40.97 %37.45 %10.88 %10.7 %IMExMISA
88NC_020697Hexaprotodon liberiensis isolate CYTO mitochondrion (56798)16395 bp32.91 %25.01 %13.8 %28.27 %IMExMISA
89NC_008451 Hiatella arctica mitochondrion (120431)18244 bp28.28 %38.07 %21.73 %11.92 %IMExMISA
90NC_013867 Himantolophus albinares mitochondrion (412656)16440 bp27.62 %24.41 %17.15 %30.82 %IMExMISA
91NC_013868 Himantolophus groenlandicus mitochondrion (412657)16438 bp27.73 %24.32 %17.05 %30.9 %IMExMISA
92NC_005145 Hiodon alosoides mitochondrion (54904)16619 bp31.15 %25.76 %16.41 %26.68 %IMExMISA
93NC_015082Hiodon tergisus mitochondrion (466964)16620 bp31.65 %26.73 %16.16 %25.46 %IMExMISA
94NC_014587Hipparchia autonoe mitochondrion (596577)15489 bp38.92 %40.17 %7.92 %13 %IMExMISA
95NC_020711Hippocamelus antisensis isolate MRGHa9 mitochondrion (371035)16410 bp33.73 %30.04 %13.04 %23.19 %IMExMISA
96NC_020336Hippocampus comes mitochondrion (109280)16525 bp32.85 %29.77 %14.4 %22.98 %IMExMISA
97NC_021454Hippocampus histrix mitochondrial DNA (109284)16523 bp32.71 %29.06 %14.9 %23.33 %IMExMISA
98NC_010272 Hippocampus kuda mitochondrion (103715)16527 bp32.41 %29.22 %14.85 %23.52 %IMExMISA
99NC_021107Hippocampus trimaculatus mitochondrion (109291)16535 bp32.73 %29.33 %14.57 %23.37 %IMExMISA
100NC_009709 Hippoglossus hippoglossus mitochondrion (8267)17546 bp27.5 %26.43 %16.95 %29.11 %IMExMISA
101NC_009710 Hippoglossus stenolepis mitochondrion (195615)17841 bp27.83 %26.45 %16.53 %29.18 %IMExMISA
102NC_000889 Hippopotamus amphibius mitochondrion (9833)16407 bp32.74 %24.7 %13.95 %28.61 %IMExMISA
103NC_018540Hipposideros armiger mitochondrion (186990)16784 bp31.74 %26.36 %13.83 %28.07 %IMExMISA
104NC_010215 Hippospongia lachne mitochondrion (479639)16755 bp25.47 %37.49 %25.74 %11.29 %IMExMISA
105NC_020712Hippotragus equinus isolate B8-6 mitochondrion (37186)16436 bp33.55 %26.53 %13.3 %26.61 %IMExMISA
106NC_020713Hippotragus niger isolate ZA4143 mitochondrion (37189)16506 bp33.32 %26.61 %13.55 %26.52 %IMExMISA
107NC_021125Histiona aroides mitochondrion (392300)70177 bp32.69 %31.9 %18.54 %16.87 %IMExMISA
108NC_015786Histiopterus typus mitochondrion (270564)16506 bp27.63 %24.97 %16.69 %30.71 %IMExMISA
109NC_013884 Holothuria forskali mitochondrion (72674)15841 bp31.4 %30.82 %16.37 %21.41 %IMExMISA
110NC_006899 Homalodisca vitripennis mitochondrion (197043)15304 bp43 %35.38 %9.53 %12.09 %IMExMISA
111NC_008673 Homaloptera leonardi mitochondrion (357284)16580 bp32 %24.6 %15.92 %27.49 %IMExMISA
112NC_015607Homarus americanus mitochondrion (6706)16432 bp34.41 %35.11 %12.12 %18.35 %IMExMISA
113NC_020020Homarus gammarus mitochondrion (6707)14316 bp31.49 %37.11 %17.36 %14.05 %IMExMISA
114NC_020095Homatula variegatus mitochondrion (297507)16571 bp29.51 %26.09 %17.3 %27.11 %IMExMISA
115NC_012920 Homo sapiens mitochondrion (9606)16569 bp30.93 %24.71 %13.09 %31.27 %IMExMISA
116NC_011137 Homo sapiens neanderthalensis mitochondrion (63221)16565 bp30.83 %24.78 %13.16 %31.23 %IMExMISA
117NC_013993 Homo sp. Altai mitochondrion (741158)16570 bp30.86 %24.83 %13.14 %31.17 %IMExMISA
118NC_021963Hongeo koreana mitochondrion (1352416)16905 bp29.8 %28 %14.36 %27.84 %IMExMISA
119NC_019615Hoplobatrachus rugulosus mitochondrion (110072)20309 bp26.28 %26.74 %15.93 %31.05 %IMExMISA
120NC_014581Hoplobatrachus tigerinus mitochondrion (103373)20462 bp27.04 %28.45 %15.16 %29.35 %IMExMISA
121NC_003187 Hoplostethus japonicus mitochondrion (143337)16528 bp28.41 %25.88 %16.49 %29.23 %IMExMISA
122NC_013623 Hoplunnis punctata mitochondrion (556244)17828 bp33.85 %24.21 %15.56 %26.39 %IMExMISA
123NC_015544Horadandia atukorali mitochondrion (432411)16735 bp32.97 %27.54 %15.73 %23.76 %IMExMISA
124NC_015995Hucho bleekeri mitochondrion (633558)16997 bp27.99 %26.68 %16.55 %28.78 %IMExMISA
125NC_016426Hucho taimen mitochondrion (201498)16833 bp27.97 %26.66 %16.59 %28.78 %IMExMISA
126NC_017755Huperzia squarrosa mitochondrion (73615)413530 bp27.89 %27.95 %22.18 %21.98 %IMExMISA
127NC_005252 Huso huso mitochondrion (61971)16760 bp30.16 %24.06 %16.31 %29.46 %IMExMISA
128NC_005937 Hutchinsoniella macracantha mitochondrion (84335)16491 bp28.63 %42.36 %18.46 %9.67 %IMExMISA
129NC_020669Hyaena hyaena isolate Cerza mitochondrion (95912)17112 bp32.4 %25.49 %14.56 %27.56 %IMExMISA
130NC_003048Hyaloraphidium curvatum mitochondrion (82268)29593 bp24.51 %32.31 %20.97 %22.21 %IMExMISA
131NC_021422Hyattella sinuosa isolate LCJ04 mitochondrion (1313225)16420 bp25.06 %37.59 %25.78 %11.24 %IMExMISA
132NC_012456 Hydaropsis longirostris mitochondrion (498947)16521 bp41.59 %33.87 %9.16 %15.38 %IMExMISA
133NC_011220 Hydra magnipapillata mitochondrion chromosome 1 (6085)8194 bp35.01 %42.56 %11.3 %11.13 %IMExMISA
134NC_011221 Hydra magnipapillata mitochondrion chromosome 2 (6085)7686 bp33.06 %41.87 %13.58 %11.49 %IMExMISA
135NC_010214 Hydra oligactis mitochondrion (6088)16314 bp34.75 %41.41 %12.33 %11.41 %IMExMISA
136NC_021406Hydra sinensis mitochondrion (570418)16189 bp35.52 %41.72 %11.85 %10.91 %IMExMISA
137NC_014290Hydrolagus lemures mitochondrion (334987)21233 bp32.27 %28.35 %13.03 %26.35 %IMExMISA
138NC_015813Hydrolycus scomberoides mitochondrion (642551)16548 bp28.9 %23.46 %16.36 %31.28 %IMExMISA
139NC_006345 Hydromantes brunus mitochondrion (57553)17220 bp34.51 %34.56 %12.15 %18.77 %IMExMISA
140NC_012842 Hydrometra sp. NKMT020 mitochondrion (575833)15416 bp43.93 %34.72 %9 %12.34 %IMExMISA
141NC_018032Hydropotes inermis argyropus mitochondrion (344906)16356 bp33.5 %30.56 %13.22 %22.72 %IMExMISA
142NC_011821 Hydropotes inermis mitochondrion (9883)16355 bp33.39 %30.51 %13.32 %22.78 %IMExMISA
143NC_014178 Hydrosaurus amboinensis mitochondrion (588074)16129 bp34.96 %23.22 %12.82 %29 %IMExMISA
144NC_012144 Hydroscapha granulum mitochondrion (426698)15975 bp39.79 %37.5 %9.63 %13.08 %IMExMISA
145NC_008425 Hydrurga leptonyx mitochondrion (29086)16602 bp34.29 %25.57 %13.05 %27.09 %IMExMISA
146NC_020714Hyemoschus aquaticus isolate GLC16 mitochondrion (666915)16225 bp31.93 %27.18 %14.07 %26.82 %IMExMISA
147NC_006403 Hyla chinensis mitochondrion (167933)18180 bp30.04 %29.92 %14.31 %25.73 %IMExMISA
148NC_010232 Hyla japonica mitochondrion (109175)19519 bp29.58 %30.51 %14.49 %25.42 %IMExMISA
149NC_014042 Hylobates agilis mitochondrion (9579)16500 bp30.39 %23.92 %13.84 %31.85 %IMExMISA
150NC_002082 Hylobates lar mitochondrion (9580)16472 bp30.59 %23.96 %13.7 %31.76 %IMExMISA
151NC_014045 Hylobates pileatus mitochondrion (9589)16502 bp30.75 %24.06 %13.48 %31.71 %IMExMISA
152NC_010298 Hylomys suillus mitochondrion (48897)15353 bp32.29 %33.43 %12.38 %21.89 %IMExMISA
153NC_015615Hymenochirus boettgeri mitochondrion (247094)18007 bp33.71 %25.91 %13.68 %26.7 %IMExMISA
154NC_002767 Hymenolepis diminuta mitochondrion (6216)13899 bp25.4 %45.65 %19.31 %9.64 %IMExMISA
155NC_008076 Hynobius amjiensis mitochondrion (244216)16401 bp33.36 %32.04 %13.81 %20.79 %IMExMISA
156NC_009335 Hynobius arisanensis mitochondrion (391643)16401 bp34.3 %32.81 %13.03 %19.86 %IMExMISA
157NC_008088 Hynobius chinensis mitochondrion (288313)16408 bp33.37 %31.62 %13.76 %21.25 %IMExMISA
158NC_008084 Hynobius formosanus mitochondrion (284022)16394 bp34.27 %32.85 %13.02 %19.86 %IMExMISA
159NC_013762 Hynobius guabangshanensis mitochondrion (412855)16408 bp33.42 %31.64 %13.74 %21.2 %IMExMISA
160NC_008079 Hynobius leechii mitochondrion (113391)16428 bp33.53 %32.52 %13.68 %20.27 %IMExMISA
161NC_020650Hynobius nebulosus voucher CIB-XM3140 mitochondrion (294368)16447 bp33.66 %32.16 %13.47 %20.72 %IMExMISA
162NC_010224 Hynobius quelpaertensis mitochondrion (113393)16407 bp33.46 %32.02 %13.79 %20.74 %IMExMISA
163NC_013825 Hynobius yangi mitochondrion (586894)16424 bp33.39 %32.37 %13.86 %20.38 %IMExMISA
164NC_020649Hynobius yiwuensis voucher CIB-XM2843 mitochondrion (244217)16493 bp33.47 %32.41 %13.62 %20.5 %IMExMISA
165NC_008676 Hypentelium nigricans mitochondrion (61316)16625 bp29.88 %27.19 %17.32 %25.61 %IMExMISA
166NC_016671Hyperlophus vittatus mitochondrial DNA (521031)16653 bp27.05 %26.36 %18.62 %27.97 %IMExMISA
167NC_013149 Hyperoglyphe japonica mitochondrion (171196)16579 bp27.54 %26.21 %16.47 %29.78 %IMExMISA
168NC_005273 Hyperoodon ampullatus mitochondrion (48744)16346 bp33.19 %27.19 %12.69 %26.92 %IMExMISA
169NC_014058 Hyphantria cunea mitochondrion (39466)15481 bp40.58 %39.81 %7.55 %12.06 %IMExMISA
170NC_004386 Hypoatherina tsurugae mitochondrion (126353)16566 bp27.29 %26.69 %16.73 %29.29 %IMExMISA
171NC_010777 Hypochilus thorelli mitochondrion (139869)13990 bp30.23 %40.11 %18.77 %10.89 %IMExMISA
172NC_003388Hypocrea jecorina mitochondrion (51453)42130 bp36.99 %35.77 %15.07 %12.18 %IMExMISA
173NC_013932 Hypoderma lineatum mitochondrion (7389)16354 bp40.63 %37.23 %8.32 %13.82 %IMExMISA
174NC_020140Hypogeophis rostratus mitochondrion (8450)16151 bp33.98 %29.82 %12.6 %23.6 %IMExMISA
175NC_015242Hypomesus nipponensis mitochondrion (182223)16782 bp24.35 %27.37 %19.15 %29.13 %IMExMISA
176NC_010156 Hypophthalmichthys molitrix mitochondrion (13095)16620 bp31.79 %25.57 %15.75 %26.89 %IMExMISA
177NC_010194 Hypophthalmichthys nobilis mitochondrion (7965)16621 bp31.63 %25.33 %15.95 %27.09 %IMExMISA
178NC_013832 Hypoplectrus gemma mitochondrion (184434)16911 bp27.59 %29.93 %16.87 %25.62 %IMExMISA
179NC_004400 Hypoptychus dybowskii mitochondrion (166256)16479 bp24.58 %27.99 %18.64 %28.8 %IMExMISA
180NC_011173 Hyporhamphus sajori mitochondrion (293917)16721 bp26.69 %28.86 %16.61 %27.84 %IMExMISA
181NC_020047Hyporthodus octofasciatus mitochondrion (327774)16545 bp28.56 %27.39 %16.28 %27.77 %IMExMISA
182NC_011168 Hypselecara temporalis mitochondrion (172532)16544 bp27.5 %26.39 %15.78 %30.33 %IMExMISA
183NC_014848Hypsibius dujardini mitochondrion (232323)15168 bp38.05 %30.85 %11.79 %19.32 %IMExMISA
184NC_013977 Hypsiglena chlorophaea chlorophaea mitochondrion (509065)17209 bp33.9 %25.32 %12.91 %27.87 %IMExMISA
185NC_013989 Hypsiglena chlorophaea deserticola mitochondrion (427717)17209 bp34.03 %25.37 %12.82 %27.78 %IMExMISA
186NC_013975 Hypsiglena jani texana mitochondrion (509071)17203 bp33.7 %25.21 %12.98 %28.11 %IMExMISA
187NC_013984 Hypsiglena ochrorhyncha klauberi mitochondrion (509074)17205 bp33.59 %24.96 %13.17 %28.28 %IMExMISA
188NC_013983 Hypsiglena ochrorhyncha nuchalata mitochondrion (427719)17207 bp33.59 %25.13 %13.23 %28.05 %IMExMISA
189NC_013980 Hypsiglena ochrorhyncha ochrorhyncha mitochondrion (509076)17208 bp33.91 %25.2 %12.78 %28.1 %IMExMISA
190NC_013987 Hypsiglena slevini mitochondrion (509078)17197 bp33.87 %24.96 %12.85 %28.32 %IMExMISA
191NC_013982 Hypsiglena sp. DGM2008 mitochondrion (533186)17205 bp33.78 %25.34 %13 %27.89 %IMExMISA
192NC_013992 Hypsiglena torquata mitochondrion (46305)17203 bp33.66 %25.3 %13.03 %28.01 %IMExMISA
193NC_011763 Hyriopsis cumingii mitochondrion (165450)15954 bp37.11 %23.13 %12.72 %27.04 %IMExMISA
194NC_015110Hyriopsis schlegelii mitochondrion (319528)15939 bp37.07 %23.24 %12.89 %26.81 %IMExMISA