ChloroMitoSSRDB 2.00 Webserver cum Database of Cholorplast and Mitochondrial Microsatellites

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All Perfect Repeats of Acidosasa purpurea chloroplast

Click on Table Heading To Sort Results Accordingly
S.No.Genome IDMotifIterationsStartEndTract LengthA%T%G%C% Protein ID
1NC_015820A123568357912100 %0 %0 %0 %Non-Coding
2NC_015820ATAC318316183271250 %25 %0 %25 %Non-Coding
3NC_015820T122082420835120 %100 %0 %0 %Non-Coding
4NC_015820AAT426660266711266.67 %33.33 %0 %0 %34003418
5NC_015820TCCT34524345254120 %50 %0 %50 %34003419
6NC_015820TATT350537505481225 %75 %0 %0 %Non-Coding
7NC_015820T125214252153120 %100 %0 %0 %34003420
8NC_015820TAGG354212542231225 %25 %50 %0 %Non-Coding
9NC_015820AATA358684586951275 %25 %0 %0 %Non-Coding
10NC_015820AGAA370999710101275 %0 %25 %0 %34003425
11NC_015820TTTA374329743401225 %75 %0 %0 %34003425
12NC_015820A14743727438514100 %0 %0 %0 %34003425
13NC_015820GAAA374441744521275 %0 %25 %0 %34003425
14NC_015820TCT48319983210120 %66.67 %0 %33.33 %34003425
15NC_015820AACG31019021019131250 %0 %25 %25 %Non-Coding
16NC_015820CAAA31084871084981275 %0 %0 %25 %34003424
17NC_015820AAAT31125131125241275 %25 %0 %0 %Non-Coding
18NC_015820TAT41128221128331233.33 %66.67 %0 %0 %Non-Coding
19NC_015820AATA31157101157211275 %25 %0 %0 %34003425
20NC_015820TCGT3121057121068120 %50 %25 %25 %Non-Coding