ChloroMitoSSRDB 2.00 Webserver cum Database of Cholorplast and Mitochondrial Microsatellites

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All Imperfect Repeats of Brachionus plicatilis mitochondrion part II

Click on Table Heading To Sort Results Accordingly
S.No.Genome IDMotifIterationsStartEndTract LengthA%T%G%C% Imperfection %Protein ID
1NC_010484AT6161016211250 %50 %0 %0 %8 %Non-Coding
2NC_010484ATTC3274127531325 %50 %0 %25 %7 %170319461
3NC_010484TAAA3559456061375 %25 %0 %0 %7 %Non-Coding
4NC_010484CCTTC458855905210 %40 %0 %60 %9 %170319463
5NC_010484TCT466136623110 %66.67 %0 %33.33 %9 %170319464
6NC_010484CTTA3746774771125 %50 %0 %25 %9 %170319465
7NC_010484AG6960296121150 %0 %50 %0 %9 %Non-Coding
8NC_010484TGAT3970997201225 %50 %25 %0 %0 %Non-Coding
9NC_010484TTAT3984098511225 %75 %0 %0 %8 %Non-Coding
10NC_010484GAA410226102371266.67 %0 %33.33 %0 %8 %Non-Coding
11NC_010484TTTA310478104891225 %75 %0 %0 %8 %Non-Coding
12NC_010484GAGG311534115451225 %0 %75 %0 %8 %Non-Coding
13NC_010484AT811598116131650 %50 %0 %0 %6 %Non-Coding
14NC_010484ACCT311624116351225 %25 %0 %50 %0 %Non-Coding
15NC_010484CTTA311792118031225 %50 %0 %25 %8 %Non-Coding